Monthly Archives: January 2014


By: Mia L. Hazlett

Talk about beautiful. His behind was spectacular. Eleven years my junior, but we have been a perfect match over these past eight months. The sex was the best I’d ever had in my life and pretty much the only thing that existed between us. I don’t think we had ever been out of his house together, maybe once or twice to dinner. No hand holding or romantic stuff. None of that. Just close the doors and we’re off!

Dean was wonderful. I really thought after eight months, our passion would change for each other, but it was just like our first time. The best part with our little arrangement, he had no problem with my marriage. There was no pressure from him to leave my husband. He understood I had a four-year-old daughter and an image I had to maintain. My cell phone and his bed were our relationship and that was good enough for the both of us.

Dean wasn’t replacing my husband, he couldn’t. I loved my husband and would never break his heart with my affair. There was really no explanation that could answer the question, why? My husband had given me everything I could possibly want. We had a beautiful home in an upscale neighborhood. He supported me, not only financially, but whole-heartedly when I went back and got my MBA. Although my paycheck would contribute, he really wouldn’t allow me to pay for much. I filled my gas tank and paid my credit cards, but he provided for our household. He was a dream.

For the past eight months I had been living not only a dream life, but a fantasy. I had an amazing husband who loved and provided for our family. And for my own little secret, I had my twenty-eight-year-old lover that made my toes curl. I knew it couldn’t last. I sat in my meeting today with only two hours of sleep under my belt, because last night I realized my two worlds were about to come crashing together. Well, really my three worlds, I should say. My girlfriends knew nothing about Dean.

Last night I was robbed of my dreams. Sleep, finally replaced exhaustion. I was pregnant, almost three months to be exact. I had this perfect life and now I was pregnant with a child who could be my husband’s or lover’s. It didn’t seem right that I refused to get an abortion because it was un-Christian, but somehow faced the reality that as a married woman, I didn’t know who I conceived this child with.

© 2013 Mia L. Hazlett

All Rights Reserved. Excerpt from Conundrum- March 2014 release date.

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By: Mia L. Hazlett
I needed to clear my head. The gym wasn’t doing it for me. Somehow, the elliptical machine did little to change the past. A 25-year-old past was sneaking up on me and I couldn’t turn to anyone and tell them. My girlfriends could never know and my family would flip out if they knew their secret was back. They had worked so hard to protect our family image.

The letter went through my head again and again. How could I make this all go away? I’ve always been raised knowing my family was “above the law”, so to speak. We didn’t have to operate under the “rules” “normal” people do. I’m not quite sure who we were, but my mother had always made it clear we were better than everyone else.

Why? I had no answer to that question. It’s a lonely world when you’re raised to believe you are better than all of your classmates. My friends were my parents’ friends’ children. I was still amazed when I went to weddings and some failed to compare to the grandiose birthday parties I went to and grew up with. Last year was the best birthday in the world. My girlfriends took me to this little fish place on the Cape and we sipped on cheap wine and ate fried food until our hearts were content. I also believe my feet were dressed in cheap flip- flops to complement my cut-off jeans and tank top. There were no tiaras, gowns, councilmen, or mayors. Nope. It was me, my friends, and a bar full of strangers. It was the best birthday of my life.

What did I have to show these women who gave me my first real birthday? A family secret I’d never shared with them. They were like my sisters and how could I now tell them the daughter I had at fifteen, who I never met, just found me?

© 2013 Mia L. Hazlett
All Rights Reserved. Excerpt from Conundrum- March 2014 release date.

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Monster XII

By: Mia L. Hazlett

Fear was stifling. It was one thing to fear for yourself, but another when someone else’s life depended on yours. I didn’t know who Hope was, but since we had stayed together over the past week, our commonality became this torturous hell pit. They no longer hurt either one of us. Dr. Guy came in and re-broke her leg and made a makeshift cast. For some reason I assumed he was a doctor because he set her leg on a board and tied it in place with rags, and administered some sort of pain killer with a needle. This was everything our captors had done, less setting the leg, but I guess since he didn’t appear to possess the torture gene, he was a doctor to me.

My strength was restored, but they had overlooked one detail that now postponed our scheduled rendezvous, my sight. There was a dim glow that always illuminated the darkest corners. For whatever period of time I had been here, my eyes had adjusted. But going outside in the sunlight, where they had taken me the past two days, caused debilitating migraines.

Over the past week, the light was constant in Hell. The wattage was increased daily. Today there was no headache. I was surprised how light lessened my fear. In my mind we were in some tragic lost dungeon, and although the light didn’t change our circumstances, I could now see who was coming. Our torturers were simply men. I did my best to wipe away old blood stains. I wasn’t sure my reasoning. It wasn’t to make this home, nor could I ever erase this experience from my mind, but it just made the present tolerable.

My eyes opened to Maniacal and Footsteps standing over me. Hope had her mouth taped and Dr. Guy’s hands were between her thighs. Her eyes spoke the pain her muffled screams could not relay. Maniacal looked down, “It’s time. Follow us.” For the first time in the light, my fear returned, but looking at Hope, I followed.
©2014 Mia L. Hazlett

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Filed under fear, fiction, horror, kidnapping, Monster, Uncategorized, violence, Women